Thursday, February 3, 2011

Crickets and Ponies and Goats...oh my!

Saturday we took a trip to the Dallas Zoo. Just our little family. For unofficially, unallowed, completely unable to talk about at this time reason, we needed a day. So we had a day, just the four of us. Not to mention it was in the 70's and sunny.

While driving, about an exit from our turnoff, we noticed a back up. Odd with it being Saturday and all. A mile long back up, and...what do you know!? They are all headed to the zoo. Yay. Obviously we were not alone in our fantastic idea of the day. One silent angry word with the traffic cop who was completely not trafficing later, and we were in. P.s....the back parking lot to the zoo is so much better and less of a walk than the front parking lot!!

Turns out they are having a "BUG-U" Bug fest with Cirque de Soleil. It was really neat and a great surprise. Also it explained the traffic. They had a bunch of games set up, with my boy's favorite things on display. BUGS! Ew.

My boys even got to eat a few.

That's right.

Eat. Ew, ew!

The zoo worker asked if any kids wanted to eat a sour cream or bacon and cheese cricket (they were edible). None of the kids said a word. Except for Lil'Guy!! Who immediately wanted one. Then Lil'Dude piped up.

Sour Cream Cricket...tasty!

Bacon & Cheese Cricket
While I tried not to gag, they asked for seconds. Ha!

All in all it was a fun day, we saw monkeys, and elephants, and giraffes. What I love about Dallas Zoo is how even though there were tons and tons of people there, it didn't "fee" packed.

We got a couple pony rides in for good measure.  Oh and yes I realize my head looks odd in this photo. I was going for "gopher-chic". 

Oh and then we did a craft, with a bunch of other kids who made birds, and bats, and even a chicken. My kid?

My kid made a vampire. 

We were sitting around the table with all the other mommies, some of which I'm pretty sure are ultra-religious with their hair in buns and long skirts...he yells it at me. "MOM!! I made a VAMPIRE!!"


That's what I thought you said...

How does he know what a vampire is you ask?

This one isn't on me. Yes, I sorta love reading and watching movies and what not all things vampire or supernatural. But this was his father, with a little help from the song Cold by Static X and showing them the video that went along with it. Youtube it. It wasn't all Brewerman's fault. The kids heard it, loved it, asked to hear it, saw the is history.

Yay parenting score!

Still a good day. It was needed, a nice fun time. And a few edible crickets later, I'd say we are the most awesome parents, ever! Until the next incident that is....


  1. Home sick! FYI, the goats love watermelon. At the cafe by the lions, they sell giant watermelon wedges. Let boys eat a piece with their hands and get the juice all over their shirts. Then take them to pet the feeding time. Talk about Parent of the year! Not only will the boys giggle their heads of while the goats try to eat their shirts, it's a great photo op! Trust me, this plan cannot fail! Love the pics of bug eating, surely not the first time.....or the last! Glad you 4 had a great day ;)

  2. Glad you had a good time and that your kids enjoy insects. I'm the Insect Keeper at the zoo and the volunteer with me loved feeding the crickets to the kids to see their reactions. Your kids were some of the braver ones if i remember the day clearly. Keep raising brave, nature loving kids, the world needs more of those... Tim

  3. Thanks Tim! We adore the insect house at the Dallas Zoo. Well we pretty much love everything about the Dallas Zoo! My kids didn't even flinch when they were offered one to eat and it was hilarious to see the other kids freak out watching them! Thank you so much for all you do to make the zoo so enjoyable and we had such a fun day at the Bug-U fest!
