Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy I Love You Day!

Happy Valentines Day everyone!!

I know some people are very anti-Vday but I find that any excuse to get told how much you are loved is a good excuse to me. Plus now that we have kids I think it's very important to celebrate with....and without....them.

Brewerman and I have no big plans in the works as far as a date night or what not. We don't have a lot of family down here to take the boys, and frankly it doesn't mean enough to fight for a babysitter and go out and spend way too much money. So we are doing a yummy dinner of crab legs. Well that's before we found out how much they were. Also we were dieting and wanted to stick with it. But mostly we're just cheap. And lazy.

We ended up making a fabulous meal of Southwest Turkey Chicken Meatballs with Cilantro Tomatillo Dressing and Cuban Style Black Beans with our favorite stand by - Cilantro Lime Rice. Thank you Gina for all the fab recipes (I figure since I have a daily appt with her for dinner recipes we are BFF's now). Add a salad and round off with with our now-becoming-a-tradition-chocolate-dipped-strawberries and can you say yum!?

First we had everyone say something they love about the other person.
LilDude's: Your hair (Brewerman), your belly button (Natalie), Your head (Lil'Guy)
Lil'Guy's: Your shirt (Natalie), your hair (Brewerman) Your head too (Lil'Dude

Ha! Man I love these kids.

Then we did the strawberries and chocolate.

What you see on their faces is stamps. We decided either it was keep an eye on kids or dinner and we opted for dinner being the pigs that we are, so they had a hay day. 

We promptly then put them straight into the bath. Not before someone shoved chocolate on someone else's face. Kids you say? No. That would be their dad on Lil'Guy's face. Not cool, dad.

It was a great time and a great way to say I love you. Brewerman being the nerd he is is getting homebrewing beer shirts, and me being the nerd I am opted for no flowers and a ebook gift card for my nook instead. True love at it's finest! 

Hope you all have a great Valentine's Day and are able to spend it with the ones you love. <3

Oh and just because I am really being a craptastic blogger lately I'm going to throw in the snow day pics we took last weekend. Yes! We got snow here...Texas! Who knew that it could snow? Well actually it has about once a year, but this year I didn't think it would ever quit. Of course the whole state shut down. Well except for Brewerman. It would take an Apocalypse for him to miss work.

I would like to point out the fact that I am still posting this pic even though I have no makeup on and look about 10 lbs past skinny. This is to show you all how so laid back I am and just an all around great person. I'm not conceited at all. 

I mean I hardly noticed how badly I need mascara, or some blush....or that you can hardly see my beady eyes....

Eh hem.

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