Brewerman: He is an upper 20's (though a huge 3 months older than me) guy who is a drafter by trade, but brewer by heart. He's funny, has a heart of gold, and a terrible share-er. Even more odd, with me being a baker and all, he's not a huge sweets fan, but he does love: Beer, Football, Baseball, Mexican Food, Q-tips, & Chicken Fried Steak. Which I can't make. I've tried. Let's just say after 5 times...including disasters such as burned carpet, stopped up garbage disposal and stringy, undercooked wad-o-meat I've stopped trying. It's a sore spot.
Lil'Dude: Lil'Dude is five with the size of feet of a 13 year old. He's super smart, well coordinated, and can do a mean break dance move. He's funny and knows it. He was diagnosed with ADHD when he was young and it's been a struggle but we are in a great place now and he's going to be a millionaire and buy his mommy a new house one day. Lil'Dude is super competitve, seriously, do not try to do the whole "give me a high five and pull your hand away" trick. He doesn't laugh, he gets mad. He sweats like a banshee and has a love of all things baseball. Sadly, Lil'Dude doesn't like sweets either and it's really giving me a complex.
Lil'Guy: Lil'Guy is 4 going on 15. He talks extremely well and I am convinced his mouth is going to get him into trouble one day. He loves Mario, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, football, apples, and pretty much anything that can be a sword. He is Mr. Attitude but on the rarest of moments will let you see his very sweet side. He also thinks of himself as quite hilarious and loves doing stand up for other kids where he can make them roar with laughter by simply saying the word poop. He isn't very nice to younger kids because he thinks he is way too old for anyone under the age of 4. Luckily he is smart too so hopefully he will be an evil genius. Oh, and he loves to eat. Especially sweets. Boy after his momma's heart....
Lil'Miss: Lil'Miss is the newest addition to the craziness that is us. She is almost 3 and is a strawberry blond fireball. She loves to laugh, is sweet as pie, but if she decides she is mad then you better walk away or go grab her some juice. She loves to swing and have tea parties. She delights in horrifying you by wiping off your kisses but insists on kisses to each of her dolls' boo boos by every member of the house. She is smart and girly but helps out her momma by keeping these boys in check.