Sunday, December 19, 2010

Metaphorical "Pregnancy" Adoption Photo Session = Hilarity!

I found this off of another Adoptive Mom's Blog and I have to say it's hilarious. It gets more funny the more I look at it. I have to admit when I first saw it I thought it was a color? But then by the time I got to the "Pregnancy" sequence I was laughing out loud.

The story is also very cool to go with it so be sure to read that also.

Metaphorical "Adoption" Maternity Photo Session

The thing is, during your pre-adoption journey there are so many times that if you don't laugh you'll cry, and so many times all you can do is cry. The biggest struggle is "feeling" like you are actual waiting on your baby, or "pregnant" in a very different sort of way. But no less or more "expecting". The baby showers, the constant comments, the hopeful expressions and joy from those around you...most pre-adoptive parents would love to have those showered on them during their journey.

So this is just a little way to poke a little fun, and laugh at yourself. Although I have to say those pregnancy photos you see all the time with couples that look like you are 10 minutes to "getting it on" make me a little squirmish too, and we are poking a little fun at them too.

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