This year I did something I have never done. I went shopping during Black Friday. All night long, baby. Oh yeah.
As a pretty darned dedicated shopper it may shock you that I have never done this, but it really didn't sound like fun to me. Which is odd, because usually I will use any excuse to shop. Literally. Hello Columbus Day Shopping!!
So this year I went with my sister, sister-in-law, and mom. I wasn't thrilled with the idea of staying up all night but they convinced me with very little violence. So we made a plan. Then we made lists. Then we lost the lists so we had to remake the lists. Next we changed shoes, put the kids to bed, and headed out. Well except for mom, who forgot to change shoes and was paying for it all night (I'd call her an amateur but she is my shopping mentor / goddess so respect is due.)
8:30pm - Thanksgiving Night- Toys R' Us
So Wichita has only one TRU (ToysR'Us). That means long lines, a fist fight last year, and no parking. My sister is the one who needed a darn play kitchen on sale. So she wanted to go here. Her exact words were "we'll just show up at 10 and see how it goes". Ha! I told her no way, we need to be there and stay in line, and it was like pulling teeth to get them to get there at 8:30. Well what do you know, the line was about 200 strong when we got there. But much to my competitive side's joy the line quadrupled by the time we got into TRU. Really, just to be one of the first big group's alone was worth it. We win. You lose. Ha!
My mom is so the type of person that would get into a fist fight while waiting in line if someone tried to cut in. Every time someone even stepped within 5 feet of the line like they were going to cut in I'd have to cool her jets before she shouted something at them. She was ALL geared up to beat someone. There were policeman there, mom, I think they can handle it. So finally we get in, and we did get everything we wanted.
Including the 5 Snoopy Snow Cone makers that Janelleybean called and wanted. I would have laughed and told her to shove it except for this.
Let's just say we owe her.
The kitchen we even got, but not after going back and forth to the front and back of the store 5 times just to find out it was right when we walked in. So shoving, pushing, climbing boxes, and maybe a little biting our way through to the front we find them unloading the last three. We may have whooped and hollered a little after we got it, earning some crazed looks from some fellow shoppers, and some "I understand" looks from others.
Oh Black Friday.
12pm - Wal-Mart
Ugh. I know. Why!? Well we had a couple things to get, and we needed to pass time till Target opened.
What. a. cluster. f%&!
After finally getting what we need, getting slightly trampled, seeing an old friend (looking like hell runneth over...of course that is when you run into people right!?) we get into line. The line wrapping around the store. That's not moving.
This was the slowest line EVER. We found out it's because people are matching ads. Really!?! On Black Friday!? Next time you get your own lines and you can wait years. Then we find out after waiting an hour and a half that yeah...that line we waited in? Useless, there was no line!! People are just going wherever the want, and the line we waited in was to one register. So I did what any person would do.
I stared directing traffic / carts to correct lanes. I was literally out there telling people where to go.
SOMEONE had to do it!
I had people moving to other lanes, finding people with cash for the cash only line. I did this for oh about 30 minutes, till finally it was our turn. I even had someone ask me to do a price check for them thinking I worked there. Uh, no. I just want to get the heck out of here!
I. hate. Wal-Mart.
2:30am - Target
Target doesn't open until 4am so it's more waiting in lines for us. My mom had some big ticket items to get here though so we had to get in early.
Well. I'm going to name names but someone in the group had to go to the bathroom. Let's just say it wasn't a #1. Did I mention it's 20 degrees outside? Whew. Poor girl, and of course they don't let you go out of line and come back. I think they were crying by the time we got in, and they were fighting more than anyone to get inside.
This was fairly drama-free. The lines were great, Target was super organized (especially compared to the horrible store called Wal-mart.) We again got most everything we wanted, but we were running out of steam. I almost bought a TV just because we were in early enough to get them so I wanted to brag.
But we don't need a TV. At the time when everyone ELSE wants it makes ME want it.
5am - Lowes
In and out, 15 minutes. That was after 15 minutes of me bitching that we had to waste time in the first place, it was really fast. Oh except that somehow us three knowledgeable women managed to bust my truck's tunnel cover to our truck and tailgate latch, not that we knew it at the time. Keith was thrilled.
6am - Bed Bath N Beyond.
Running out of steam here. At this point none of us gave a crap what deals there were, we all just wanted to go night night but didn't want to be the party pooper. We leave and decide, as I'm falling asleep at the wheel, it's probably time to go to sleep.
Will I do it again? Yes! But all night? I don't know. I am too old for this crap. But we did get a crap load of gifts!
And a crap load more that we just bought because they were on sale. (oops!)
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Big Boy Bed Alarm Clock
So let me start by saying what a great sleeper my Lil'Guy is. He always has been, goes straight to bed, wakes up usually right after Lil'Dude. Never wakes up in the middle of the night unless he has to go pee pee. (Yes I say pee pee, even when I'm at work, which could be embarrassing if I'd notice....but I don't.)
What I did NOT expect was to hear Lil'Dude saying "Lil'Guy go to BED! Shhhh!" at nap time (ok so I never expected that to ever happen, period), or hear them giggling at 3am in lil'dude's room. Or last night, when I heard them singing the Wonder Pets theme song very loudly.
Adorable? Yes. At 1am? Not so much.
At this point I'm thinking we put the little late night chatterbox back in his crib but put ceiling to floor crib rails to keep him from climbing out. I mean the whole reason we took the rails off is, well let's face it, it's because we felt like we should. He had really only half tried to climb out once, and he was doing fine sleeping. But he's almost 3, and he looks 3, and everyone else was doing it.
Yup, "everyone else was doing it" is still a valid excuse past high school. You'd be surprised what you do as parents because everyone else is doing it.
Like having a bounce house at your birthday party. Or having a birthday party period.
Where was I now?
Oh yes. Brewerman thinks bunk beds will fix everything. I think Brewerman is nuts. Scratch that - Brewerman is nuts. Why would we willingly put those two in the same room? What would that solve except add MORE late night singing sessions. I guess I shouldn't be surprised since he wanted to build them bunk beds when they were barely 1 and 2.
If a child is too young for a bumper in their crib I'm pretty sure that means we are a little early for bunk beds, honey.
Anyhow, so far I'm personally thoroughly unimpressed with all things big boy. Totally overrated. But Lil'Guy is loving it, and he's so very proud of himself. You should see him. All walking out on his own telling us he's ready to get up. At 4am.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Elf on the Shelf! A new fun, slightly creepy, tradition!
We would like to introduce the newest member of the household - Ian Peanut!
It's our New Elf on the Shelf!
Those of you who, like me, have never heard of this fun little tradition, here's the gist of it - The Elf is sent to the house to look after the children and report back to the Big Man..the Big Kahoona...Santa. Every night he goes back and visits Santa, telling the jolly fat guy about how good/bad the children were, then each night "returns" to a different spot in the house. You can find it in most book stores (we got ours at Barnes N Noble, they had lots to choose from and were very helpful).
It comes with an Elf and a very well made hardback book. There are two Elves that you can choose from, Dark or Light Skinned.
I'm expecting great things from this. We got the "dark skinned" version which, as you can see from the pic above, is basically just a Elf on the Shelf after vacationing in Florida. Just a teeny itsy bit tanned. I literally had to hold it up to the light to tell the difference. It's rather hilarious on our quest to integrate all shades of obviously lame attempt.
Last night was the first night we set it up on the shelf, Brewerman freaked a little as it looks a little similar to a clown. Oh, and Brewerman is freaked the F out by clowns. We'll see if this works. I expected joyous reactions, giggling laughter as the kids try to find "their" Elf, maybe a tear or two of happiness. Then we we all skip to work in our pressed suits and freshly made sack lunches. *sigh* In reality I had to force the kids to name him, and they looked at him with doubt in their eyes like "he doesn't look real". Smart kids suck sometimes!
Of course by the time we read the book that comes with it (and is very cute and well made) they got into it, finally naming him.
Ian Peanut.
Ian Kinsler (baseball player - Lil'Dude's pick) + Peanut (Lil'Guy's pick)
I know, the Elf is a little creepy. But we are focusing on FUN here. I won't let Brewerman slap the Elf around, not even a little, no matter how bad he wants to. Might scar the kiddos. And ruin the tradition.
Plus I told him it would make the Elf mad, and he'd come alive at night and end up on his pillow. That straightened my manly hubby out. He he, I'm so mean.
I think the boys will have more and more fun with this as we get closer to Christmas and they get to find Ian Peanut each day.
It will be fun.
We are making happy memories damnit!!
It's our New Elf on the Shelf!
Those of you who, like me, have never heard of this fun little tradition, here's the gist of it - The Elf is sent to the house to look after the children and report back to the Big Man..the Big Kahoona...Santa. Every night he goes back and visits Santa, telling the jolly fat guy about how good/bad the children were, then each night "returns" to a different spot in the house. You can find it in most book stores (we got ours at Barnes N Noble, they had lots to choose from and were very helpful).
It comes with an Elf and a very well made hardback book. There are two Elves that you can choose from, Dark or Light Skinned.
I'm expecting great things from this. We got the "dark skinned" version which, as you can see from the pic above, is basically just a Elf on the Shelf after vacationing in Florida. Just a teeny itsy bit tanned. I literally had to hold it up to the light to tell the difference. It's rather hilarious on our quest to integrate all shades of obviously lame attempt.
Last night was the first night we set it up on the shelf, Brewerman freaked a little as it looks a little similar to a clown. Oh, and Brewerman is freaked the F out by clowns. We'll see if this works. I expected joyous reactions, giggling laughter as the kids try to find "their" Elf, maybe a tear or two of happiness. Then we we all skip to work in our pressed suits and freshly made sack lunches. *sigh* In reality I had to force the kids to name him, and they looked at him with doubt in their eyes like "he doesn't look real". Smart kids suck sometimes!
Of course by the time we read the book that comes with it (and is very cute and well made) they got into it, finally naming him.
Ian Peanut.
Ian Kinsler (baseball player - Lil'Dude's pick) + Peanut (Lil'Guy's pick)
(not our actual elf)
Plus I told him it would make the Elf mad, and he'd come alive at night and end up on his pillow. That straightened my manly hubby out. He he, I'm so mean.
I think the boys will have more and more fun with this as we get closer to Christmas and they get to find Ian Peanut each day.
It will be fun.
We are making happy memories damnit!!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
"The Lake" Incident
Okay ladies and is Lil'Guy's turn to take part in my parenting lack-of-awesomeness.
Remember "The Phone" Incident? Well, this isn't quite up there. Not quite as embarrassing or horror-struck, like "The Poop" Incident....but again, that's for another post.
Interested yet? You should be.
So, to set the stage for "The Lake" Incident, let me paint you a picture. Beautiful Spring day. Easter Sunday. I think. Let's say Easter Sunday-ish. We, like the fantastic super fun parents we are, are taking our boys fishing for the first time.
We have all the equipment...
Remember "The Phone" Incident? Well, this isn't quite up there. Not quite as embarrassing or horror-struck, like "The Poop" Incident....but again, that's for another post.
Interested yet? You should be.
So, to set the stage for "The Lake" Incident, let me paint you a picture. Beautiful Spring day. Easter Sunday. I think. Let's say Easter Sunday-ish. We, like the fantastic super fun parents we are, are taking our boys fishing for the first time.
We have all the equipment...
Lovely huh?
I had to touch worms. Nasty. That earns me some points already.
Don't worry. I'm going to lose all of them in a second.
Fun times right? We. Rock.
So we go to the main lake to our neighborhood. We are fishing. We are laughing. We are loving. We are rocking this fishing trip.
"Christopher, you are going to need to back up from the lake. You'll trip."
"No, really, Christopher, stop trying to grab the fish in the water, you are going to fall."
"Oh &%$#*!"
Yup. He fell in.
That patch of deliciousness is moss.
It came from here.
By this time all you hear is our laughter, huge uproars.
I even think I pee'd my pants a little.
Needless to say Christopher was NOT amused.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Open adoption and why we do it.
My children, us, and the birth families all have open adoptions. This means we have contact with the birth family, as much as what works for us. All three of us.
Open adoption is so much more than sending a picture or visiting someone every now and then. It's establishing a relationship. And relationships take work. But who is it best for? Why is it best?
I believe open adoption, when able, is the best for the child. That is why we do it. The child doesn't ever have to wonder why, if they do, they can call their birth parent. Get it straight from the source. They can talk to them, see them, share with them. Love them. See the love they get back. Grow up with them. They see us, the adoptive parents allowing them to love their birth parents just from us loving them too, and vice versa. They never grow up wondering what they look like, who they get things from, who is their other family? Does it take away every pain? No. Hell no. Adoption is about loss, all the way around, but mainly for the adoptee. Does that mean they will forever be in pain? No also.
Is open adoption best for the birth parents? Yes and no. It's hard on them. Some people think we do it for them, like we are doing them a favor. Uh, no. It's a lot like opening a burn wound, then dipping it in salt. Then burning it again. Seeing the kids call another person mommy / daddy, seeing them happy without them. Having the child not remember them when they are very young. Having them prefer their mom / dad. But I do believe the overall effect is better on them, eventually. They don't have as many secret fears, they see their child, see their happiness (a double edged sword), see them growing up, experiencing that. I have an extreme respect for birthparents period, but those in open adoptions just awe me. You could only continue for your child, because they too know this is best for them.
Is open adoption best for the adoptive parents? Yes and no. It's hard on them too. It's not easy getting constantly reminded that you are not your child's one and only mother. Petty? Yup. But true. It's not easy seeing them need their birth family. Seeing a place in your child's heart and soul that you can't fill.. Knowing they love another mother too, just as deeply. Seeing the similarities that they didn't get from you. Constantly reminded of what us infertile people will never have. But there is so much beauty in open adoption. Seeing where your children get that funny smile. Seeing them laugh with their other family and establishing some real bonds. There is nothing like being able to share the pride you have of your child with someone who is so there. Someone who gets it, and thinks the same. It's also about having so many less of those secret fears. Will the birthparents regret this? Do they hate me? Will they hate me? Am I good enough? Do they love us too? Did I do a good job? Do they remember us? Are we a family?
So basically, yup, open adoption is hard on the adoptive and birth parents, but for petty reasons that frankly are our insecurities, things we need to deal with, because that isn't fair to perpetuate those feelings on to our children.
Open adoption isn't perfect. It just is a different way, a beautiful tangled web between three people. Two sets of parents who just want what's best for the child. Does it work? Yes. Does it always work? No. Is it the only way? No.
But it's our way.
Open adoption is so much more than sending a picture or visiting someone every now and then. It's establishing a relationship. And relationships take work. But who is it best for? Why is it best?
I believe open adoption, when able, is the best for the child. That is why we do it. The child doesn't ever have to wonder why, if they do, they can call their birth parent. Get it straight from the source. They can talk to them, see them, share with them. Love them. See the love they get back. Grow up with them. They see us, the adoptive parents allowing them to love their birth parents just from us loving them too, and vice versa. They never grow up wondering what they look like, who they get things from, who is their other family? Does it take away every pain? No. Hell no. Adoption is about loss, all the way around, but mainly for the adoptee. Does that mean they will forever be in pain? No also.
Is open adoption best for the birth parents? Yes and no. It's hard on them. Some people think we do it for them, like we are doing them a favor. Uh, no. It's a lot like opening a burn wound, then dipping it in salt. Then burning it again. Seeing the kids call another person mommy / daddy, seeing them happy without them. Having the child not remember them when they are very young. Having them prefer their mom / dad. But I do believe the overall effect is better on them, eventually. They don't have as many secret fears, they see their child, see their happiness (a double edged sword), see them growing up, experiencing that. I have an extreme respect for birthparents period, but those in open adoptions just awe me. You could only continue for your child, because they too know this is best for them.
Is open adoption best for the adoptive parents? Yes and no. It's hard on them too. It's not easy getting constantly reminded that you are not your child's one and only mother. Petty? Yup. But true. It's not easy seeing them need their birth family. Seeing a place in your child's heart and soul that you can't fill.. Knowing they love another mother too, just as deeply. Seeing the similarities that they didn't get from you. Constantly reminded of what us infertile people will never have. But there is so much beauty in open adoption. Seeing where your children get that funny smile. Seeing them laugh with their other family and establishing some real bonds. There is nothing like being able to share the pride you have of your child with someone who is so there. Someone who gets it, and thinks the same. It's also about having so many less of those secret fears. Will the birthparents regret this? Do they hate me? Will they hate me? Am I good enough? Do they love us too? Did I do a good job? Do they remember us? Are we a family?
So basically, yup, open adoption is hard on the adoptive and birth parents, but for petty reasons that frankly are our insecurities, things we need to deal with, because that isn't fair to perpetuate those feelings on to our children.
Open adoption isn't perfect. It just is a different way, a beautiful tangled web between three people. Two sets of parents who just want what's best for the child. Does it work? Yes. Does it always work? No. Is it the only way? No.
But it's our way.
Monday, November 15, 2010
The Nat-o-Planner
This is a lame post for some people. It's about Meal Planning. Lame right? I know, but I get a lot of questions about how I'm able to cook every day, and this is the only way I can, plus it's helped me stay steady in my weight. I'd say loss but lately we'll just say "steady".
I mentioned I'm very unorganized as a whole right? Well. I don't mean to brag. Okay I do, but just a little, but I have an awesome super organized system to my meal planning.
I call it......the Nat-o-planner. No just kidding, I don't call it that. In public.
The basic premise of the idea is simple. I buy groceries 2 times a month. I plan out all my meals prior, usually making 10 -12 per 1/2 month. I write out the days for the next 15 or so days. Then I cross out any days I know I won't be making dinner, or will be eatting leftovers. Because yes, we eat leftovers. I'd say we do this to be healthy but really I'm just super cheap. *Tip: Put leftovers in individual servings and you'll be more likely to just grab it quick in the morning.
Now, before I give myself too much credit let me explain why we did this. Basically, my body wants to be fat. Now I'm no toothpick over here, but even this lusciousness takes work. The only way for me to keep it off is to cook healthy during the week. I personally love me some weight watchers, I don't count points too much now but I kinda already know what I should be doing by when I did join it a while back. I have a million and a half recipes I got from online or books that are WW / lowfat recipes too. Check out the tab at top for a few of my fave recipes if you'd like also.
Oh and also? I do this because in general I love food. Let's face it. Food is worth the extra punch of organizational know how. Only if that means I get more food. And to fit into cuter clothes. Oh yeah, and to be "healthy" blah blah blah.
Easy peasy right?
No really, right. It's easy. I promise!
Here's it broken down in a nut shell (or pasta shell...mmm...pasta):
- Write down 10 of your fave recipes, or ones that appeal to you at the time. Be sure to mix up varieties (chicken, beef, turkey / mexican, pasta, grilling / casseroles, etc). Remember the more you look forward to recipes the more likely you'll be to stick to it. So no lame recipes please.
- I like to write down what I need for each recipe beside it (makes it easier to make a grocery list) and where to find said recipes if it's in a book (Title, page #, etc).
- I make my list off of the paper above. Obviously I add more of my everyday stuff and cross off anything I already have.
- Write out the days of the week for the next 15 days, one day per line. Cross off any I know I won't be cooking for (Saturdays are usually a given. Those are normally our splurge days, and I'm so not cooking on splurge day).
- Then write out which recipe goes on what days. Keep in mind the days you might be late from work so you need quicker recipes, or have all day to cook, what recipes will give you the most leftovers and spread them out so you always have lunches, etc.
- Go shopping and then ENJOY!
I'm super proud of my little system and it's saved tons of money and time over the years. It makes it where I know what to thaw out before hand and I know I have all the stuff to make it so I actually cook every day. You also don't have a huge amount of leftover junk, saving tons of money.
Try it! You'll like it! (It's really really neat, I tried, I liked it, It's really fun to eat! Sorry, random things make me break out in song.)
Maybe you can send me some of your favorite tips on Meal Planning or recipes, and I'll post them on my Recipes tab! Such an interactive little blog this is!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
"The Phone" Incident.
Let me tell you a little story. Pull up your napsack and let me recount the most embarrassing moment of my parenting life.
Scratch that. One of the two most embarrassing moments. There is "The Phone" and the "The Poop" incident.
Let me just preface this by saying that Lil'Dude was a very very hard one / two year old. He wasn't Mr. Attitude like Lil'Guy. He was all over the place. I know what you're thinking "all two year olds are". Well take what your vision of a normal two year old would act like that and triple it. No, quadruple it. Then add in a kid that is extremely balanced, coordinated, and can and does get into everything that a five year old can. Oh, and with a curiousity that never ends. Ever.
Eeeeeeeeever. Foreeeeeeever. Ha ha, Sandlot. Good times. That is a whole other post though.
This particular parenting fail is "The Phone" incident. We'll talk about "The Poop" incident later. But first I have to set the stage for you. I had just joined a playgroup, my very first playgroup. Lil'Dude was about 2 and Lil'Guy was....uhhhh.....16 months younger than that. Mom of the year right here.
I had just got invited to a playdate (my very first) swimming at one of the lovely ladies homes. Let's call her Jannellybean. I mean it's a fake name - let's have it be fun right? I was on my best parenting behavior. Cutest clothes were worn, boys were prepared with the proper threats.
So we go to Jannellybean's house and there is also a couple of other moms there with their kiddos. We are all getting our kids dressed in swimsuits. That is so not as simple as it sounds. Between the swimtrunks, the swim diapers, the sunscreen, it's like wrestling cats. In water. Next to a herd of deer. In the rain. On the moon.
Eh hem.
There is a gate around the pool for kids, so the kids are all standing outside the gate. I can't begin to tell you the amount of anxiety I am feeling at this moment just having Lil'Dude outside without me. The kids begin to throw beach balls up over the fence into the pool. It's fun, they are laughing, I am relaxing.
Then it happens. *cue the music*
The back door is open. I am inside. Lil'Dude is outside. He walks inside. Our eyes meet. Then we both look over to the right slowly and see it. The phone. Jannelleybean's new phone. On the coffee table. Our eyes meet again. I am now terrified as I literally can see the idea pop into his head. He reaches out. Time slows.
The phone is now being thrown over the gate. Into the pool. I am running, knocking over Lil'Guy on the way, who starts screaming. The phone drops into the pool. Jannelleybean jumps into the pool fully clothed to retrieve the phone. Lil'Dude turns to look smugly at me, defiance writing on his face. That is what throws me over the edge.
I am steaming at this point. Since this is playgroup, I want to discipline the "right" way, so what is that? What do you do when all you want to do is sucker punch your child. Then catch the first flight to Reno, screaming "I am so out of here!" with a wierd twitch in your eye to never be recovered from. But I pulled it together. Despite the horrible things I wanted to do to my child at the time, which the only thing stopping me at that point was the threat of jail. Which to be frank sounded like a vacation at the time.
I did what all good parents would do, set Lil'Dude firmly in timeout, promising them the multitude of punishments to come when we are home through gritted teeth. Tears forming in my eyes from straining to keep the smile plastered on my face at new mommy friends while wondering if they think the smoke coming out of my ears is weird.
Thankfully Janelleybean was awesome, is awesome, and is one of my best friends now.

"The Look."
This was "The Lotion" incident, which isn't even in the top 100 of "times Lil'Dude got into stuff". I just happened to snap a pic.
This was "The Lotion" incident, which isn't even in the top 100 of "times Lil'Dude got into stuff". I just happened to snap a pic.
(no children were harmed during this incident. Despite my fury. )
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Questions strangers shouldn't ask me about my family.
So obviously I get a lot of questions about my kids and our family. Most reactions we get are positive. We are pretty lucky in that we get and have so so much support. Even people that ask dumb questions usually mean well. For the most part I don't slap, hit, bite, or curse at random people when they ask a stupid question. I figure most people aren't on the "up and up" with positive adoption language and don't realize how terribly intrusive they are being.
But some people.
Oh...some people.
Some people are just idiots.
Stupid Questions. Random comments. Openly staring. Or even better, openly grimacing at us. Get a grip people, I'm not saving the world or bringing it to an end. I just happened to have children that are another race than me.
To all Random Strangers who want to come up to us because of the way our family looks:
DON'T tell me about your cousin's sister's brother's daughter's dog's first wife's owner's horror adoption story.
DON'T ask me if the fact that my kids are close in age was "planned" with a disgusting look on your face.
DON'T come up to me and tell me that you have a cousin's uncle's best friend's wife that is black. It's not really a story and I have no idea what to I hug you and invite you for Christmas? Or with my family maybe I should drink some wine, start a fight with you, eat, cry, fight some more, drink, eat, drink some more, make up, laugh and make plans for next year.
DON'T treat my kids like they are pets. I know they are cute but do not touch them or ask rude questions about their adoptions in front of them like they can't understand you.
DON'Task if I'm babysitting. I mean really, what babysitter is in the middle of the mall with two kids, pushing a diaper bag, double stroller, two sippy cups, a random Lego, and shopping bags?! All while said kids are screaming at me the biggest clue: "MOMMY!!"
----oh yeah...and don't ever. ever. ask me if I cheated on my husband. Did you?----
DON'T ask me if I specifically ASKED for them "to match". They are not flower arrangements.
DON'T assume I'm an idiot of all things African American because I'm white. I'm all for people giving me suggestions but believe me I didn't go into this with my eyes closed.
DON'T ask if the birthparents did drugs or the if the kids have any "problems". I mean, really!?
DON'T ask if I have any "kids of my own". Duh. I have TWO, they are standing right here!!
DON'T ask if they are brothers. We've already gone over this, yes, they are both mine. That would make them brothers, no?
DON'T tell me that I am stealing your man by having two black children as a white woman. Wipe that smirk off your face and welcome to being just another racist.
DON'T ask why the birthparents "gave them up" (PLACE is the appropriate term) or any other questions including age, height, length of labor, siblings, etc. Oh, or if it was "hard" for her. No, really it wasn't, we did the switch at six flags right below the Superman Tower. Fun times.
DON'T talk smack on the birthparents. For this I will get rude back with you. First of a ll, they are my kid's mothers and fathers. Second of all, they are my family. Thirdly, you have no idea.
DON'T ask about cost of adopting UNLESS and ONLY UNLESS you plan on adopting yourself. Seriously planning, not "IwannabeAngelinaJolie" planning. This will get you questions about your own birthing cost like the cost of the stitches they put in you or your wife's "whoo ha" after you/they tore during labor.
DON'T tell me that we saved them from a bad life, nor assume their birthparents did drugs, are bad people, in a gang, have a mental illness, etc etc. This will cause the backup can of whoop to open. Thier birthparents placed out of love. Period.
DON'T tell me that we are good people only because we adopted black children. We are the lucky ones as we got to become parents.
DON'T ask where they're from, what they are, how many miles they have, etc.
DON'T start talking Ebonics to me or my children just because they are black. You just sound dumb.
DON'T ask me where their parents are now. I'm right in front of you. Should I draw you a map? And even though I do know what you mean, do you really think that is ANY of your business?
DON'T and I mean do not tell me how you could "never do something like that." What am I supposed to say to this. And what exactly does "THAT" mean!?
Last but not least.
DON'T be afraid to ask me questions, just remember we are not a circus display! I'd rather you ask me questions than stare from the other side of the room. Just please be aware of my two very intuitive children. I'm proud about their adoptions & the way we made our family. As long as you are nice about it, then I'll be nice back!
Every Trans racial Adoptive Parent Known to Mankind
I got skills....they're multiplying.
First - you are welcome for getting that song stuck in your head all day.
Okay, you know those 2 pack of Starburts?
The ones we did NOT specifically steal out from our kid's Halloween baskets. While were NOT pretending to "check" the candy , while in reality taking out all our favorites before they could eat them all. That did NOT happen.
*cough* Ahem.
So, uh, back to those Starbursts. Well we all know that when you open them, you're hoping to find a pink or red. And every darned-stinking-candy-conspiracy time you get yellows and/or oranges. Well, sometimes you hit the jackpot and get one pink or red thrown in there.
2 Pinks!? Unheard of. A candy myth.
Well, I don't mean to brag....
I mean, come on. This aint just lucky. This is skill.
Yes, I specifically took this picture to blog about it. Lame? Maybe.
But you're still jealous.
Of my awesome skills.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Dinner and a Movie? Bo-ring!
So Brewerman and I have been discussing doing a night out thing. Sans kiddos. Maybe once a month, maybe once we find a babysitter, so maybe we've been discussing this for a very long time.
Anyways, I was trying to decide what to do. You see, dinner and movies is fun, but frankly -it's boring. Or at least boring to do more than once every while. Oh, neither of us would admit it to the other, we'd smile, eat our delicious food and talk, then pretend like this hit the spot.
But we'd be bored to tears. Not bored with each other. Just bored in general.
I don't think it's the dinner part. I mean let's be honest who would ever believe I'd be bored with eating? Just not gonna happen.
So it's the movie part? Probably. Maybe we aren't movie-lovers, or maybe it's our taste in movies clash (think Brewerman wants to see SAW 3D, and I Harry Potter)..I don't know. I just know that we aren't the type to be thrilled to death with the idea of dinner & a movie. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to do every once in a while, and I don't judge you if that is your idea of a good time.
Don't worry, I get bored at a spa after 5 minutes when I'm supposed to be finding my it's not you, it's me. Or it might be you. No, it's probably me.
Or us in this case us as I'm about 90% sure Brewerman feels the same. If not, this post is going to be really awkward.
I need fun options. No, we can't fly to Vegas for the weekend, we have a budget here people. And a sitter that will probably not be able to stay past midnight.
Hit me up with suggestions or fun things you and your significant other have done. And no nasty stuff either, this is a family show.
You can send those to my email at just kidding!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Halloween 2010
Halloween was a blast this year! Lil'Dude was Iron Man. Lil'Guy was a Rock Guitar. Correction: Rock Guitar like Murray from the Wiggles. Long name, but obviously necessary.
We had friends over for dinner then went trick or treating. We had mummy dogs, jack-0-lantern pizzas, Brewerman's amazing hummus dip, and my lovely melting caramel apples. After all of us eating way too much, having the appropriate amount of wine needed, then everyone getting dressed, we set out with all the kids smiling and waiting nicely by the door!
Okay...well actually we had some trick or treaters ring the doorbell in the middle of dinner, so we panicked, then rushed around with our hands in the air, shoving our kids into their costumes and hurrying them with the promise of candy so we wouldn't be too late.
We did manage to get some cute pics of everyone before hand though. Yay me! Ugh...Disney channel.
All the kids. Aren't they cute? I mean come ON, those are some grade A cute kids.
Don't you just love the little Grim Reaper costume that he picked out? I love that he was something scary at 3! Also the Chef, so funny!
Iron Man showing his monster muscles. Yes. He works out.
Rock Guitar like Murray from the Wiggles. Long name. Cute Results.
Trick or Treating
Schmoozing with the ladies. Muscle. Works Every.Time.
We got TONS of candy. Oh wait, I mean the boys got TONS of candy. We have already hidden half of it. Threw away the other half.
Sure...uh yeah...we uh, threw it, uh, away. That's our story and we're stickin' to it.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Anyone want a beer?
So I mentioned Brewerman is a brewer of beers. Well, most men I know that brew beer grab themselves a Mr. Beer kit and have a fun little time brewing. Not my guy. Not even in the beginning. Skipped poor Mr. Beer all together.
Sorry Mr. Beer, I'm sure you're a fun guy and all.
This will be a good time to tell you that my lovely hubby doesn't do things half way. If he is into something he needs to have the best and be the best. If he isn't (like the whole "smoker" phase) it goes away quietly in the middle of the night never to be mentioned again.
Well. You may think we always have beer. What you say? Oh, okay a LOT of beer. 36? 48? Oh no. Right now we have 176 beers right now in our home.
But don't think you are invited to come over and get drunk every weekend. While Brewerman does share, he grumbles when he has to too often. He insists said beer will be gone shortly so he tends to horde. To his credit, 96 of those beers are to be taken to Kansas this Thanksgiving (where both him and I were born and raised) for my family to test out.
So I guess that makes him downright Santa Clause. Believe me, he thinks so.
He also brews with all grains, meaning he doesn't use extracts. A lot more work. I will say it's like making your own icing vs buying premade. To which he'd say "Exactly hon!" Then turn around, roll his eyes, and sigh while thinking not only how many ways that it's not only NOT the same but totally and utterly disrespectful to all things beer.
He has a lot of tools for this. They are in his closet, in the garage, in the kitchen. Just don't touch them. Or move them. Or for goodness sake don't use the thermometer to check chicken. I didn't get pics of said tools because frankly I have no idea what each ones are for.
These are the two fridges we have in our garage. Beer Only. Taps? Oh yeah.
His closet. 96 beers here, 3 kegs next to those.Yes it's a mess. No I don't care. His closet.
Or Beer Pantry?
More appropriate since there is more beer than clothes! Ha! I crack myself up...
So next time you come over - have a beer! Try the good stuff, and have more than one...have six! Tell my hubby I said so and enjoy the plastered smile you get on his face all while giving me the evil eye. Just be sure you like craft beer. This aint beerwater, I mean Budweiser.
Pics while brewing to come.
Welcome to my Kooky world!
Let me do a short introduction, my name is Natalie, and I have a great hubby, Brewerman, and two adorable kiddos, Lil' Dude (3), and Lil' Guy (2). I am a cake decorator by trade but I also do a lot of training, inside work with bakery retail, reallyhardtoexplainblahblahblah. Basically I'm a jack of all trade with all things bakery. I love my job, but really...this blog isn't about that.
Brewerman is a drafter by trade, but a brewer of beers in heart. He loves all beers, he's not picky, well okay he IS picky but not picky by variety but quality. Saddest part of this story is I don't like beer. :( But it's okay, he says he loves me anyway. And he's holding out hope. He is a great daddy of course and my best friend.
Still...this blog isn't all about that either.
We are among many things a trans racial adoptive family, and darn proud of it. We have open adoptions which means we have contact with my kid's birthparents.
But you know what? This blog really isn't all about that either.
Lil' Dude and Lil' Guy are great kids, each with their own personalities the size of this huge fast driving crazy talking state. Lil' Dude is 3 and he is very very very ( really VERY) active. He's constantly on the go, very curious, and hilarious. His self-titled best friend is Elmo, and don't you dare say he's your best friend too. He loves all things that go fast but his true love is all things baseball.
Lil' Guy is 2 going on 5. He is the sweetest guy in the world unless he's having a spout of very terrible no good terrible twos. Then he is far from the sweetest guy in a biker bar. He loves Mickey Mouse, who he says is his best friend, so take that Lil' Dude. He loves to dance and sing, with his favorite song ever being Metallica Master of Puppets....oh and Justin Beiber. Ugh.
But really...this blog isn't ALL about the kids either.
Though they are pretty darned amazing.
So what IS this blog about you say? Well I haven't figured that part out either, but when I do I'll let you know. I figure it will be a little of everything. A way to connect, to share, to document since I'm so horribly unorganized with all things requiring dates.
So welcome! Feel free to post any questions, though comments will be moderated for obvious reasons, but I'll get to em' quickly. Hope you enjoy a little taste of what our crazy life is all about!
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