Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I Take it All Back. Kindergarten Sucks!

We had our Kindergarten "Round-Up" (I know, only in Texas) tonight for Lil'Dude.

I learned two things today:

1. I will suck as a working mom compared to stay at home moms.


2. He is not ready. I take it all back. We don't want school to start.

Oh my gosh.

So I know I said that I wanted school to start in this post. Oh and I can not even tell you how over nap time I am at daycare. My kid is over naps, has ADHD, and takes a really long time to fall asleep. Today is two days in a row of nap-time red cards. I'm OVER IT!


He's not ready for...for school. I mean yeah, he can take the lid off of the yogurt by himself, sure. But what if he's still hungry? What if the yogurt is really hard to open? Who will make him eat his veggies? Who will unpack his lunch? What if he's thirsty? How will he know where to put his backpack? You mean I won't be there to hold his hands as he shyly meets a new friend? What if someone is mean to him? Will the teacher make sure he is paying attention every nanosecond?

I mean we did a scavenger hunt and he didn't know what a peace sign was!

C'mon. I mean yeah, Kindergarten SOUNDS awesome. Less daycare, more learning, better qualified teachers.....but to expect them to walk in all by themselves after just one week? No kisses and hugs eight times before you can leave? How will they know where to go? What if they have to go to the bathroom? What if he gets lost? What if he's scared?

I'm not ready.

He's not ready.

Ok maybe he is a little ready.

But I am so not ready for him to be ready!

They tell us he'll be reading by Christmas. I can't see it.

Just like I couldn't see him ever taking those first steps to walk...the first word he spoke...the first time he had cereal all by himself with milk...the first time he wanted to eat the sandwich whole...the first time he swam by himself...the first time he climbed up that "big kids" playground and went down the "big kid" slide...the first time he did the monkey bars all by himself...the first time he walked out the door and got onto that Pre-K bus all by himself...the first time time he tied his shoes....the first time he rode a bike without training wheels....

My baby is growing up. This is a huge step. I know he'll be great. This is good.

I just don't see him as a schooler that puts his backpack away and eats lunch all by himself.

I see him as a little boy that needs hugs and kisses every day before I leave just right or we'll have to start over.

I see him as a toddler running away from me giggling as I warn him not to fall.

I see him as a baby scooting on his butt instead of crawling.

I see him getting placed in my arms for the very first time, all snuggled in his blue blanket...

Yup. Momma's gonna need a mimosa on the first day of Kindergarten.

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