Saturday, April 23, 2011

Running...okay Jogging...okay fast walking

So in my Super Quest to be Healthy (by which what I really mean is skinnier) I, along with 5 of my super cool friends, have started running at nights. Well....walking with a little jogging thrown in. We call ourselves....The Fanny Pack Crew. Neon headbands optional. Spotlight and eye of the tiger playing? Mandatory.

First off, let me give you a little background on me and running: I hate it. It hates me. It was a mutual break up after high school gym classes ended.

I can ride my bike 30 miles, do squats for hours, get on that stair stepper thingeemadoo at the gym for a long time, pretty much anything else but lunges. I fully admit that lunges make me cry and squeal. But I can NOT run.

Despite that, some friends of mine wanted to start walking at night so I reluctantly agreed. I mean I can that.

Then sneaky little Abamalamma and Vanerellian threw in jogging. Jerks. Now half of us stayed walking, half jogged, so I could have just stayed walking. But NO, my little competitve side (we'll call her Nawesome...prounounced Na-Awesome) is such a B that she just can't STAND not doing it. So we did. Jogged that is. Nawesome didn't do too bad really, we kept up...didn't pass out.

And you know what?

I kinda liked it.

Now I need new shoes, as my second to largest toe that sticks out about a 1/2 inch past my big toe  is numb, since I refuse to buy a 1/2 size larger shoe just for that little jerk, but I gotta do what I gotta do. I also didn't jog the whole time, just did spurts of jogging, but it felt great! Nawesome even sprinted a couple times. SPRINTED!!

I'm hoping I can stick with it. Stupid Nawesome now has a goal of jogging straight 2 miles. It's quite pathetic reading that and some of you big runners will laugh, but I tried it on day two when I got cocky. Yeah.....ouch. Let's just say it's now a "goal".

Now the Natalie side of me just has a goal to stick with it. Even after we saw a five foot long coyote/wolf across the street from us that I swear would have torn us to bits with it's bullfrog-like noises, got stalked by a crazy dude in a green truck that tried to run us over then waited on us to come back so he could take us away and marry us, and passed a few groups of teens that I'm sure would have killed us and hid our bodies if I hadn't whipped out my cell phone and pretended I was looking at something so they saw that I had one. And yes, in all of these instances we ran away screaming like little girls.

I mean let's face it - Nawesome is super tough but at the end of the day she'd rather be shopping. Which is hopefully going to be a side effect both Nawesome and Natalie can agree on...being able to fit into cuter clothes! YAY!

So if you see us out there walking/jogging/maybe one day running, please don't run us over. Or kill us. Or listen in to some of the really really rated R conversations we have. But feel free to gush about what a great job we are doing and how great we are all looking.

Oh and for goodness sake will someone please bring us some darn water!?

P.s. And I am NOT going to mention anything negative about Traceyomomma even though she totally dissed my nicknames and was all complaining saying "Nawesome" isn't a fair name and we should all agree on nicknames. Sorry Traceyomomma (prounounced Trace-yo-momma), Nawesome kay? The names pick themselves. Don't shoot the messenger. You can't blame my Nawesome for being so super awesome, but if it makes you feel better the geek side of me IS named Nat-o-nator. And would you PLEASE just walk on the darn sidewalk already!? Ha! Love this girl...

1 comment:

  1. LMAO! I think your tough side should be called Nat-o-nator. Who would you rather meet in a dark alley NAwesome or the Nat-o-nator? Own them both with PRIDE mama! - T-Y-M
