Saturday, April 30, 2011

Green Cards...without the politics

So I have some exciting news. My boys finally got their green cards!!

I know, this day has been a long time coming. Green cards, as you all know, are extremely hard to come by. You have to work your behind off to obtain one. We had to do a lot of education, and work with the boys endlessly to help them know the responsibilities and get them ready to get one.

We are proud. We are speechless. Frankly when I saw them I got tears in my eyes. So many of their peers have tried endlessly to get them and never do. We thought it would never happen.

Needless to say, Friday when they finally got them, I was so excited, they were jumping up and down, and as a reward...they got to play Super Mario Brothers!!

Oh....and a green card is what their daycare gives for being perfect and not hitting or fighting all day. What else? Ha! But seriously...I didn't think these boys would ever get there. Hopefully I didn't jinx it and we won't have a yellow or dreaded orange card week...

*Of course this is all in jest, and I totally respect all those out there who have to tirelessly (and ridiculously in most cases) have to work so hard to obtain a true green card.*

1 comment:

  1. this made me laugh. Also makes me laugh because Max likes soccer, so he is always asking Cody to give him a yellow card. :)
