Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My little Rocker Man

Have I ever told you guys Lil'Guy's favorite song? Master of Puppets by Metalica. Next favorite? Cold by Static  X. Next Favorite? Baby by Justin Beiber. Eh hem. Anyways, except for that crazy last guy my little man is a hard core rocker.

I'd say that he likes it because his daddy does but he has sung Master of Puppet since he was 1.5 years old. It's so cute to hear him sing it, especially when he has his paper guitar in his hand and he's stomping around headbanging. Hilarious! I have a video somewhere if only I could figure out how to post it. Eh. Whatevs.

Oh and you say you want to join in with him? Sing along? Maybe start a band? No way Jose. Not cool. He will stop and immediately grunt "UH UH" at you. Then walk away, actually throw his guitar down then stomp away. This is obviously a one man band.

What a diva.

*Insert Imaginary Photo of said rocker man here. I tried to get a pic of Mr.Stubborn but he decided that he wasn't "doing" photo ops today. So I'm inserting a picture of him doing his next favorite thing...eatting.*

Needless to say he makes his daddy proud, and gives his momma a headache already making me listen to their music. And it has to be loud or else Mr.Hardcore screams "I can't heeeear it!". *Sigh* How exactly I became a mom to a teenager in almost 3 years I'll never know.

But I blame his father.


  1. Don't forget 'hard to see" by five finger death punch! A new fav.

  2. Heard 'Seek & Destroy' yesterday and thought of your fella! Turned it up to 11 in his honor :)
