Lil'Miss turns three next weekend. Don't ask me how in the H-E-Double-Hocky-Sticks that happened so fast. It's the day after Brewerman turns the big huge THREE OH! I decided throwing a birthday party for his daughter on his
30th birthday would be a special kind of torture so in a weak moment, chose to have the party this past weekend instead.
I had big plans people...huge....involving hats and pearls and pink lantern....rented rooms and soft music.
Well then we decided
to move. Add on a layer of "we just signed a contract on both homes and are moving at the end of March" and uh yeah...stress was at it's full high.
The party then got moved to the house to make it easier. Yup...."make it easier". I actually thought that. Boy was I stupid.
Anywhosers. I didn't plan much pre-party...I also did something I never thought I would do....I got someone else to do her cake. I know, I know...but on market + cake ingredients = kill me now. I also wasn't thinking March was already almost here so two week pre-party I sent out invites around here thinking I had months to go...I even put "Save the Date" on it.
Three days before the party I ran to Target for some plates and thank the heavens and stars I found the cutest patterns and finally I got into it. It was really hard to come up with just the right amount of "cute, fun, tea, not-british" theme. Plus I found adorable little hats for all the girls to take home as well. I had some gumpaste roses too I needed to use so all the girls got to paint roses. It was supposed to be "NO BOYS ALLOWED" but of course they totally crashed the party. It was okay though as they spent most of the day outside running around like hoodlums.
My mom ended up being able to come down for it too which was so cool. We had some family friends' daughter getting married in our city that weekend so she caught a ride with my Aunt Darkla.
Friday night I set everything up (thank heavens I didn't listen to Brewerman who was making fun of me the whole time about how much time we had the next day). I was so happy with it, and it was just perfect for my little bear.
By the time Saturday came we had soccer in the morning and the entire day pre-party was running around like chickens without heads.
**Side note: Lil'Dude scored FIVE goals in his game that week. One of them he kicked purposely up in the air away from the cluster of kids then broke away with the ball to score. Whoa. Proud momma. Also, on a proud wife side: Brewerman ended up coaching three games that morning as one of the coaches was really sick. He owned it and all the parents loved him. Back off folks, he's mine.**
Lil'Dude running it in |
Getting ready to score! |
Brewerman coaching |
So needless to say after soccer, we busted tails to get home and be able to make it to change and set up for the party. It was so fun and a lot of chaos. I forget how much of a whooping parties, seriously you end the day thinking of all the stuff you didn't do ( know...actually SERVE TEA) and who you didn't talk to. It was a lot of fun for Lil'Miss though and besides spilling some paint on the carpet (EEEEEEEK) everything went rather well! She loved all her goodies and we were sugared up for quite some time. Thank heavens for a back yard they can run around in.
Nana and Lil'Guy |
Nana and Lil'Dude |
Beautiful Birthday Girl |
The Fabulous Birthday Tea |
The Table Setting |
Surrounded by her mounds of presents |
Mounds of Food |
Sorry these next photos are turned. I have tried uploading them three times and they are right until I press upload. I'm too lazy to figure out why it's happening but you get the drift.
Candles |
Giggles as she refuses to blow out her candles |
Her Birthday Tea Cake |
Every pearl in the house |
It was a great day and Lil'Miss had a fantastic time, which is really all that mattered. She loved dressing up and for many it was the first time they had met her. I will post something mushy on her birthday...I can't believe this little sunshine is going to be three already. She just amazes us. I am going to post some pictures of her 4 months ago too, it's amazing how much she has grown!
Did I mention she was fully potty trained? No...well I don't want to brag...but will anyways! This chick stays dry at night, nap, day...she's like a potty ninja I tell you!
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