Wednesday, April 11, 2012

It's the Little Things

Sometimes it's the little things in life that can rock your world.

Yesterday, we officially registered Lil'Dude into Kindergarten. It was sort of anticlimatic for me as I was expecting much more than handing in a few papers and sending my kid back for them to quickly test. I did see a bunch of my friends though that I didn't realize also have children that will be in Kindergarten!

But something happened while we were there that made my heart jolt more than the ever impending-Kindergartenism. Something that for the average parent would probably be no biggie, but for this mama to a child with ADHD...well...I could have cried.

Lil'Dude made a new friend, played tag with him, laughing whole heartedly without a care in the

That means he ran around (literally running circles around the other kids with his Tasmanian self), and held back. No tackling, shoving, or otherwise making children fly to the ground at top speeds.

It was amazing to see. It was like a big sign hanging around his neck that said:

"Mom. I'm ready. I got this."

Which in turn makes me want to cry again...but the happiest of tears.

Then as if to solidify the fact that he is no longer a baby, he officially learned how to tie his shoes yesterday evening. He has been working on perfecting it for a while, but he did it all by himself and the loops were even and tight. This makes me sad that he is so grown. But I have to admit my lazy-self is doing jumping jacks. Okay so maybe not jumping jacks but she did manage to lift a finger slightly and twirl it slowly.


Kindergarten here we come.

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