Sunday, November 13, 2011

The End of an Era

I am officially announcing my huge announcement that is going to change each and every one of your lives.

Okay so that might be a little dramatic. I have been told that I do have a tendency of being over dramatic. To which I promptly cried out, punched the guy in the guts, started wailing and denying it profusely, punched him again, then married him.

Oh yes...the announcement....well after 9 years at my current job...I am starting a new job next Monday, a new...FULL TIME job.

Now, this job is a fantastic opportunity for me, and I am very excited about the idea of learning new things and expanding my career. The company and office is amazing, the people are fantastic, and there is flexibility there for me with my kids.

But I am going to miss the hell out of my current job, and the wonderful people I have been privileged to work with. They have put a lot of faith in me over the years and I can thank them for where I am today.

But the biggest thing I have to thank them for is the opportunity to work mostly from home, 3 days a week part time these last three years while my kids were babies. It has granted me with more memories, wonderful moments, laughter, smiles as big as the sky, and make so many fabulous friends. I have adored being able to be home a couple days, while I still have "mommy" time those few working days. It has been perfect for me, and for my family.

I haven't been all that nervous about the change, job wise, I feel like this is God through and through so I am really trusting Him. But today I was really thinking about the fact that I will be full time...and I will no longer, maybe never again, be part time. My kids are starting school soon, a big factor in this decision, and really need good stimulation beyond what I can give them so it's a great move, and like I said before this is a great opportunity for me and my family that I just can't miss out on. But so sad for me personally as I think about how this time has went by so fast!

Today I am having such a hard's just hit babies are growing up. I am not a mom of toddlers...not even toddler. Lil'Dude will be five in January. FIVE! That is one year away from having to use two hands to show your age! TWO HANDS!? Why does that matter?? I HAVE NO IDEA BUT I CAN'T STOP YELLING!!

This, for me, is really an end of an era. I will look back on this time and smile, knowing I was so lucky to be privileged enough to have this time with my boys. It's not that I am sad to be making this move, it is time, but I am sad that it IS time. Sad that my boys aren't babies anymore. Sad that, tomorrow is really my last day at home with my "not-so-baby" babies anymore. Sad that I will no longer have those weekly picnic lunches, or feeding the ducks on a whim...or taking random trips to Sonic for Happy Hour drinks.

Tomorrow I will be excited about what the future holds. Tomorrow I will be pumped and ready to begin this next era of our lives. Tomorrow I will remember how much my kids will gain from this, and how great this will be for all of us. Tomorrow.

But I am just going to hold my babies and will them to slow down and stop growing up quite so fast. Today I am going to enjoy these last moments of such a beautiful era in my lucky and very blessed life.

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